
Michael Young

Cedar Rapids, Iowa, USA
Member since September 11th, 2008

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Took a family friend out today on the boat and had a great time. Considering she is 4 I wasn't expectiong to much today. But for some reason we found the crappie's. I think she may of out fished me. But I know if it is the right time Lake McBride is a great little lake. But is is fished heavy so don't be afraid to try something new. I think the fish has seen everything that Gander Mountain has. But you can be successful out there.

Posted 16 years ago

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Spent week at the Little Bowstring resort on likke bowcreek lake in MN.
Went first week of June in 2008.

A very lightly fished lake. caught a couple 7 lb Walleyes and a number of Walleyes in the 2-4 lb range. Northerns. O My you actually got tired of catching them. The crappies got as big as 17" Great little lake. Not a lot of structure. So you had to find the ledges under water. tried about everything. But trolling leeches with a bottom bouncer and a live bait rig was the winner. its a small lake but plenty of action. Recommend you to give it a try

Posted 16 years ago

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