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Calico Bass(Black Crappie) Comments

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User: tommy311
Comment: 2 1/4 lb 15 1/2" caught 12/27/12 on 1/2 oz rapala baby bass lure.

Date: 12/29/12 11:17 PM

User: jsguitar
Comment: Small white Bucktail jig catches lots of Crappie at my home lake . The largest ones are only 12" that I've seen Waywayanda has bigger crappie .I got a 16" and a 16,1/2" there years ago .Live shiners.
Date: 11/27/11 05:31 PM

User: timmeh
Comment: these things can get to be pretty big
Date: 08/17/11 08:02 AM

User: raptor915
Comment: I love fishin fer these fish! when they hit its quick! Either you get'em or you dont. Harbor park in middletown is crawling with'em!!!! Try it you'll love it!
Date: 05/11/11 07:52 AM

User: linkmak
Comment: i hear these things are bitting like crazy in Canada Pond. Providence RI
Date: 04/27/10 12:24 PM

User: vinny60
Comment: I have a lot of fun catching them with an ultra light set up.
Make that 2 lb test stretch!
Date: 08/14/09 12:05 AM

User: brettinbrookline
Comment: Crappie are one my favorite fresh water food fish. I used to catch my limit in Indiana but I have not been able to track them down here in Vermont . Where are they?
Date: 08/06/09 12:50 PM

User: bullshark
Comment: There are some good sized ones in Cleveland pond. I caught many of them on floating Rapalas.
Date: 08/04/09 04:07 PM

User: wgpjim
Comment: i got a spot in south jersey where i can catch 15 of these a day easily they tend to hit the minnows when you live line them and reel in slowly,, never gave me a good fight, maybe i need 2 lb test
Date: 05/05/09 08:20 PM

User: jess
Comment: Yeah these fish deffinately fight, and are fun to catch..most of the ones we caught are'nt all that big but a buddy of mine caught one the size of a dinner plate...Thing was awesome...freakish!
Date: 02/28/09 10:06 PM

User: pawel1978
Comment: never caught one bigger than 13 inches but when they bite they fight !!!
Date: 11/22/08 05:57 AM

User: lilsmit04
Comment: when you can't catch them on a shiner try a mini rattle trap in the chrome color with a black top near cover with a slow retrieve and twitch.
Date: 07/01/08 09:48 PM

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