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sake steamed salmon Recipe for Halibut

Title: sake steamed salmon
by gluttony32
Type: Entree
Servings: 2
Difficulty: Easy
Prep Time: 10
Cook Time: 20
Ingredients: 2 salmon steaks 12 oz each, baby carrots, butter, 1 diced sweet onions, salt and pepper, fresh dill (optional). sake
Directions: For this dish you need a vegetable steamer big enough to hold all the ingredients, start by sweating the onions over low heat in half a stick of butter in a sauce pan or small pot until translucent, you do not want the onions to caramelize wen they are clear turn the heat up all the way while stirring when its slightly sizzling add 1 cup of sake and reduce heat to medium, put in the veggie steamer and layer the baby carrots so they are somewhat flat, sprinkle with salt and pepper season the salmon with salt and pepper and place on top of the carrots cover and cook until desired temperature is reached, carefully remove the steamer with everything inside and plate the salmon along with the carrots(sushi rice is a great side to eat with this dish) heat the sauce remaining in the pot until slightly thick strain and pour over fish and carrots add parsley or dill as garnish
Other Notes: For added color you can add broccoli to the pot, sushi rice or any kind of rice really compliments this simple dish
Date Added: 03/10/10 09:55 PM

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