Mirror Carp Details

Mirror Carp Source: Raver, Duane. http://images.fws.gov. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
  • Water Type: freshwater
  • Latin Name: Cyprinus Carpio
  • Water Temp: 84 degrees but will feed in most tempretures
  • World Record: 91 lb by Andre Komornicki from London
  • Last Modified By: bedlem on 06/05/09 09:58 PM
  • Ask about Mirror Carp in our forum


Baits and Tackle for Mirror Carp

Other Check Prices

  • Corn Creamy and Whole Kernel

    15lb Flouro Leader 2ft long
    60lb Yellow Power Pro
    3/0 short shank red hook

Other Check Prices

  • Same as the other locations. Maple peas worked well for me here, corn, bread, boilies of various flavors.
  • scented maize and corn
  • Bait for carp: (which are the only fish I am coun ting for here)
    Chum the night before with a mix of Maize and oat/bran/grits method/ground bait

    Hook bait was maize on a hair with tutty-fruity or molasses glug, or maize or corn-pops on the hook with a oat/bran/grits pack bait

    Bait for sunnies/bluegills/etc:
    Meal worms, canned corn, bread

    Many were caught as part of the event but I did not keep a tally.
  • I had a variety of bait with me, however they were only striking a pack bait made of grits, corn juice and molasses plus some other flavoring.

    roughly 24 oz quick grits
    juice from one can of corn
    a good bit of molasses
    baby rice cereal to help fluff it out

    Place one or two corn pops on the hook and then pack it pretty good into golf ball sized lumps around your hook and pops.
  • Maize has been my bait of choice, followed closely by maple peas and an oat based pack bait.

    Molasses and maple have been strong producing flavors for me this early on..latter this will change to more fruit and maybe even a fish/blood as the water warms.
  • Feed corn is a staple for our trips lately, though it was clearly out performed number wise by a cat food/grits/cream corn mix method-pack bait.

    The biggest fish of the session however was taken along the far left margins, with 2 pieces of feed corn on a sliding hair rig, with a size 6 hook.
  • These are trout waters and by RI rules that means no chumming, no corn. So boilies, glugs and maple peas were on the menu. I had a few good hits on some homemade Scopex flavored boilies but no hook ups.

    The one I did manage to catch was on Maple peas, two on a short hair, with a 2 oz semi-fixed bolt rig.
  • Maple peas were on the menu today. I chummed maize/peas/boilies/strawberry corn

  • We have been using primarily feed corn, soaked for at least 24 hours then boiled for 1 hour till it is a firm but chewable texture. Molasses and fishy flavors have been the producing choices.

    We have also been using a grits based pack bait, with some results.

    Pre-feeding will produce better results typically

  • Again Feed corn is a big success here. Also shrimp/fishy flavored boilies have produced well.

  • Again the Dat food boilie line really worked well here. Shrimplies(shrimp) and gold( pineapple) performed above my expectations. Feed corn was of course also on the menu and produced a few good runs.
  • Feed corn and Dat food boilies have become my baits of choice as well as staples in any trip.

    Molasses and fishy flavors seem to still work well, though strawberry has been more and more effective.

  • Feed corn and Dat food are always on the menu now. Maple peas have made their way back as well. We had a batch of Anise and fruit ( see the tutorial on bait in the forums or at www.blackstonecarp.com) and some of the Dat food dough un boiled. Dat food seemed to be the bait of choice with maples coming in just behind.
  • Dat food, feed corn were used. Dat food produced some but the real hitter of the day was a grits based pack bait ( see the bait tutorial in the forums or on www.blackstonecarp.com)
  • Our bucket contained once again
    feed corn, maple peas, dat food and chick peas.

    Sadly on this outing nothing really produced with a few Crucian carp grabbing anything they could.

  • Many things keep coming along for the ride. Sweet corn flavored various ways,
    Feed corn heavy on molasses,
    Dat food milk based with heavy seed/forage
  • Creamy Corn
    Whole Kernel
  • Sweet corn
  • Corn
    Lots of it
  • Garlic
    Garlic with Corn
  • Cheapest bait on the planet
  • Corn Corn Corn Corn

Nightcrawler Check Prices

  • just a small piece

Mirror Carp Description

The difference between mirror and common carp is both genetic and visual - biologically they are similar. The mirror carp was the first mutation of common carp, owing to two alternative genes, the S allele and the N allele. The genetic term for a mirror carp is "ssnn" (all minor). Common carp have an even, regular scale pattern, whereas mirrors have irregular and patchy scaling, making many fish unique and possible to identify by sight, leading to most carp in the UK over 40lb being nicknamed. This lack of scales is widely believed to have been bred in by monks in order to make the fish easier to prepare for the table. They can grow in excess of 60lb - the last few British record fish have all been mirror carp.

Contrary to popular belief, Leather carp are not Mirror carp without scales; there is a distinct genetic difference. Leather carp are permitted a few scales; however, the dorsal row of scales is either absent or incomplete. Leathers also have reduced numbers of red blood cells, slowing growth rates.


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