Hey guys this may be a little off topic but its a pretty cool system that I wanted to let you guys know about. If you are also hunters then this would really benefit you as well.

The company I work for as my day job sells these purewash systems and Im putting an order in and seeing if there is anyone out there interested. If you are, just PM me and I can get you the info and how to purchase.

The system attaches to your existing washing machine and cleans your clothing without the use of soaps or bleach. This is the best system out there for your hunting clothing and the only way to get 100% scent free without chemicals

The unit is also used on your everyday clothing. the average yearly saving for a household is around $600 a year. Myself and everyone else that works here has a unit and we can all attest to the advantages of this unit. to under stand it better watch the videos below.

If you have any questions feel free to ask!



Posted Fri Apr 05, 2013 2:29 pm

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